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India’s top MBA product management colleges: Creating tomorrow’s leaders

top MBA product management colleges

The emergence of India as a huge player in this field has made the best MBA Product Management colleges in India leaders for this change in the global arena of product management. An increased interest in innovation and customer-oriented solutions within organizations leads to the growing demand for product managers. An MBA from the top management colleges in India gives aspiring students the skills needed for competition in this challenging sector of product management.

Of late, the demand for product managers has risen by 40% in the last two years, according to a report by The best MBA colleges offering Product Management in India are the Indian School of Business or ISB and IIM Bangalore. The special programs train the managers on product lifecycle management, market research, and strategic innovation. According to reports, the students are bagged highly paid jobs in the top global companies.

Many of the top management colleges in India provide easy access to a large network of professional networks in the country and an opportunity to get hands-on live projects and internship assignments. Even in cases of recruitment, most of the students coming from such colleges tend to experience increased job offers and report an average salary hike at 35% (source: The Times of India).

Source:, The Times of India